Item(s) will be posted at least two times at auction, with the first auction lasting a minimum of 10 calendar days. During the first five days at auction, any State of Iowa agency with a business use for the item(s) may contact the selling agency and request the item(s) be transferred. The selling agency must then withdraw the item(s) from auction and initiate the transfer process. From day six forward, agencies may bid on the item(s) competitively while the item(s) remains at auction. Item(s) not transferred or sold at the first auction will be posted for a minimum of one day during the second auction.

Item(s) not sold after two auctions may be posted again or the selling agency may disposed of the item(s) in the following manner:

  • Agencies on the Capitol Complex may submit an eDAS with Service ID #4442 to request the services of DAS to assist in the disposal of the item(s).
  • Agencies located off of the Capitol Complex should contact their local waste management provider for disposal.
  • Agencies with an item containing hazardous waste, should review the DAS Central Procurement contracts to work with the appropriate waste vendor. State of Iowa Awarded Contracts

GovDeals training opportunities and more information send an email to or call 515-281-8887.