Well-Being News and Information

The State of Iowa recognizes the challenges of balancing work and the demands of everyday life. The DAS Health and Well-Being website provides an array of resources designed to empower you to take charge of your health.

Healthy Employees Hometown Banner with DAS logo

Healthy State of Iowa Employees Initiative

The Department of Administrative Services, Wellmark, and our network of Wellness Champions are working together to enhance the well-being of State employees through the Healthy State of Iowa Employees initiative. Whether it's planting a worksite garden or encouraging ways to be active, we're committed to creating and identifying ways to support our employees. Watch this site for the Healthy State of Iowa newsletter and other health-promoting information.  


Healthy Everywhere Guide Cover Page

Wellmark's Healthy Everywhere Guide For Employees

A guide to building better mental health at work and home

Healthy At Work Guide for Leaders Cover

Wellmark's Healthy At Work Guide For Leaders

A leader's guide that outlines important information to help you support employee well-being at work, at home and everywhere in between.

Wellmark's Healthy at Home Parent Guide cover
Wellmark's Healthy at Home Parent

Wellmark's Healthy at Home Parent's Guide

Wellmark's Healthy at Home  - A guide to supporting your child's mental health. Created to help you face mental health challenges together as a family.


Employee Assistance Program

Employee Discount Programs

Lactation Rooms: Capitol Complex

Wellness Champions

Wellmark's Well-Being Services

5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count

Wellmark Blue Magazine

Iowa Healthiest State Initiative

Iowa PBS Gardening Tips

Articles of Interest

Capitol Complex Walking Paths


Take in some fresh air and discover historic monuments along our beautiful Capitol Complex

woman tying tennis shoes on walking path



Amy Liechti
Group Insurance Team Lead
Iowa Department of Administrative Services - Human Resources Enterprise
Hoover State Office Building
1305 E. Walnut
Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone 515-422-7156
FAX 515-242-6450