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The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers confidential resources to help State employees and eligible family members address challenges which may impact job performance, affect well-being, and take a toll on overall health. EAP services are provided at no cost to employees and eligible family members.
Employee Assistance Program Provider

800-833-3031 www.EAPHelplink.com Company Code: IOWA
Please remember the EAP line is open 24/7/365 and is ALWAYS answered by an Acentra Health Master’s Level Counselor. We are here when you need us!
EAP services are provided by Acentra, a nationwide health care management company. Calls to Acentra counselors are confidential, and information will not be shared with anyone unless you provide written permission. The only legal exceptions to confidentiality are in cases where there is child or dependent adult abuse/neglect or in life threatening situations.
Back to topEligibility
Full and part-time employees who receive a paycheck from the State of Iowa are eligible to use EAP services. Members of the employee's household are also eligible to use EAP services. Upon employment termination, employees and their family members remain eligible to use EAP services for up to 30 days following termination.
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EAP Services
Back to topAppointments with EAP counselors
- Appointments with EAP counselors are available during business hours as well as some evenings and weekends.
- You may see a counselor on your own time and no one will need to know. If you need to see an EAP counselor during work time, you will need to:
- Get approval from your supervisor for time away from work.
- Sign a release of information form provided by the EAP counselor. This allows the counselor to confirm your work time attendance with your supervisor.
- No other information will be released without your written permission.
Cost of EAP Services
- There is no charge to you for services provided by the EAP. However, EAP services are intended to be short-term in nature.
- Counseling services are limited to six (6) sessions with an EAP counselor per incident. If an EAP counselor refers you to other resources for additional help, those resources may charge for their services. EAP counselors will work with you to identify resources that are affordable or that may be partially covered by your health insurance. Life Coaching services are generally provided for up to nine weeks. If you have questions about whether you are covered by the EAP, contact your human resources associate (HRA), personnel officer (PO), or district court administrator.
Acentra Resources
- EAP Services and Resources
- EAP Critical Incident Stress Response & Recovery
- EAP Trauma in the Workplace Guide for Managers
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EAP Employee Service Summary
- WorkLife Consultation
- Management Consultation and Referral Services
- Financial and Legal Services
- Calling the EAP: What to Expect
- EAP Training Catalog - Learning Solutions - (available upon request)
If you need immediate clinical assistance, please call 800-833-3031, our dedicated EAP line to reach our 24/7 clinical team.
On-Demand Monthly Webcasts

Available anytime, any day, the EAP is a free, confidential program to help you balance your work, family, and personal life. Acentra offers monthly webinars to support overall health and wellness.
Here is the 2025 webinar calendar.
Online Webinar for April:
Explore how mastering organizational skills can transform your daily life by boosting efficiency, reducing stress, and creating more mental space.
Please see the attached webinar information entitled: Clutter to Clarity: Organizational Skills for Better Living
Available on demand beginning April 15, 2025
Broadcast Length: 60 Minutes
Webinar Flyer - Clutter to Clarity
Tip Sheet - Clutter to Clarity
Back to topMissed last month's Online Seminar?
Online Webinar for March:
Learn how physical activity is a key tool for mental health, sharing strategies to incorporate exercise into daily life for balance and harmony.
Please see the attached webinar information entitled: Brain to Body - Harmony in Motion
Available on demand beginning March 18, 2025
Broadcast Length: 60 Minutes
Webinar Flyer - Harmony in Motion
Tip Sheet - Body to Brain
How to Access: Go to your EAP website: www.EAPHelpLink.com Enter your code: IOWA and look for Online Seminars in the lower left-hand corner of this homepage or you can search for them by title.
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Acentra EAP Quarterly Newsletters
Balance is a newsletter specific to employees and their family members which features helpful information for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Solutions, is a newsletter specific to managers, supervisors, and human resources staff, featuring management resources available through the EAP, and other recommendations on how to manage issues that arise with employees.
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