Agency NumberAgency NameMain OfficePhone
1059ACCESS Assault Care CenterAmes, IA(515) 292-0500
4001Agape Pregnancy CenterDes Moines, IA(515) 255-0243
1291Aging Services Inc.Hiawatha, IA(319) 398-3644
7747AHeinz57 Pet Rescue & TransportDe Soto, IA(515) 834-1157
1002Aid Center for SiouxlandSioux City, IA(712) 252-1861
7664Alpha-1 FoundationCoral Gables, FL(888) 825-7421
7755ALS Association - Iowa ChapterWest Des Moines, IA(515) 369-2572
7017Alternatives Pregnancy CenterWaterloo, IA(319) 232-5683
1012Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association, Inc.Chicago, IL(800) 272-3900
1017Amanda the PandaWest Des Moines, IA(515) 223-4847
1019American Cancer SocietyAtlanta, GA(800) 227-2345
7744American Council of the Blind Inc.Brooklyn Center, MN(612) 332-3242
7658American Foundation for Suicide PreventionNew York, NY(888) 333-2377
1023American Heart AssociationWest Des Moines, IA(515) 244-3278
7723American Kidney FundRockville, MD(800) 638-8299
1024American Lung Association of IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 334-9562
7722American Red Cross Serving Greater IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 243-7681
1051Ames Community Preschool CenterAmes, IA(515) 233-2901
7610Amnesty International USANew York, NY(800) 266-3789
7616Animal Lifeline of IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 285-7387
7024Animal Rescue League of IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 262-9503
7742Animal Welfare FriendsMonticello, IA(319) 975-8283
1070ARC of East Central IowaCedar Rapids, IA(319) 365-0487
7634ARC of Quad Cities AreaRock Island, IL(309) 786-6474
1068ARC of Southeast IowaIowa City, IA(319) 351-5017
1072ARC of Story CountyAmes, IA(515) 232-9330
1054Area Substance Abuse Council (ASAC)Cedar Rapids, IA(319) 390-4611
7738Arthritis FoundationAtlanta, GA(800) 283-7800
7682Arts MidwestMinneapolis, MN(612) 941-0755
7717Association of Christian Schools InternationalColorado Springs, CO(719) 528-6906ext. 235
1074Autism Society of IowaWest Des Moines, IA(563) 557-1169
7754Autism Speaks, Inc.Princeton, NJ(888) 777-6227
7668Balance AutismAltoona, IA(515) 967-4369
7101Bethany Christian Services of South Central IowaPella, IA(641) 628-3247
6016Bidwell PantryDes Moines, IA(515) 989-8413
1076Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cedar Rapids and East Central IowaCedar Rapids, IA(319) 377-8993
1078Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central IowaClive, IA(515) 288-9025
1079Big Brothers Big Sisters of Johnson CountyIowa City, IA(319) 337-2145
1083Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Mississippi ValleyDavenport, IA(563) 323-8006
7689Bishop Drumm Retirement CenterJohnston, IA(515) 643-8020
7400Black Hawk - Grundy Mental Health CenterWaterloo, IA(319) 234-2893
6021Blank Park Zoo FoundationDes Moines, IA(515) 323-8383
7678Bleeding Disorders of the HeartlandDurant, IA(319) 721-1664
7721Blessings InternationalBroken Arrow, OK(918) 250-8101ext. 109
1090Boone County ProbationBoone, IA(515) 432-7995
7726Born Free USA United with Animal Protection InstituteWashington, DC(800) 348-7387
1098Boy Scouts - Hawkeye Area CouncilCedar Rapids, IA(319) 862-0544
1099Boy Scouts - IllowaDavenport, IA(563) 388-7233
1101Boy Scouts - Mid Iowa CouncilDes Moines, IA(515) 266-2135
1100Boy Scouts - Mid-America CouncilOmaha, NE(712) 255-8846
1104Boy Scouts - Mississippi Valley CouncilBurlington, IA(319) 754-8413
1105Boy Scouts - Winnebago CouncilWaterloo, IA(319) 234-2867
7687Boy Scouts of America, Northeast CouncilDubuque, IA(563) 556-4343
1095Boys and Girls Club of Central IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 262-5695
1092Boys and Girls Club of Story CountyAmes, IA(515) 233-1872
7750Boys and Girls Clubs of AmericaAtlanta, GA(404) 487-5700
1093Boys and Girls Clubs of the Midlands, Inc.Omaha, NE(402) 342-1600
1260Brain Injury Association of IowaUrbandale, IA(319) 272-2312
1272Breakthrough T1D 
(Formerly, JDRF)
New York, NY(212) 689-2860
7735Breakthrough T1D - Nebraska and Iowa Chapter (Formerly, JDRF)Omaha,  NE(402) 397-6509
7620Broadlawns Medical Center FoundationDes Moines, IA(515) 282-5755
4002Camp Albrecht AcresDubuque, IA(563) 552-1771
1107Camp Courageous of IowaMonticello, IA(319) 465-5916
7405Camp Eastman Development AssociationBurlington, IA(319) 754-7820
1110Camp Fire Heart of IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 274-1501
7712Camp Hertko Hollow, Inc.West Des Moines, IA(515) 471-8523
7730Camp High HopesSioux City, IA(712) 224-2267
7025Camp Wapello Preservation GroupBloomfield, IA(800) 684-4184
7683CandeoAnkeny, IA(515) 259-8110
1267Capstone Behavioral Healthcare Inc.Newton, IA(641) 792-4012
7608Carlisle Area Dollars for ScholarsCarlisle, IA(515) 989-9830
1113Carroll Area Child CareCarroll, IA(712) 792-1375
1115Carroll County Council for the Prevention of Child AbuseCarroll, IA(712) 792-6440
1119Catholic Charities - Archdiocese of DubuqueDubuque, IA(563) 588-0558
1423Catholic Charities - Archdiocese of OmahaOmaha, NE(402) 554-0520
1121Catholic Charities - Diocese of Des MoinesDes Moines, IA(515) 244-4761
1120Catholic Charities - Diocese of Sioux CitySioux City, IA(712) 252-4547
7600Cedar Bend Humane SocietyWaterloo, IA(319) 232-6887
1126Cedar Valley HospiceWaterloo, IA(319) 272-2002
1316Center AssociatesMarshalltown, IA(641) 752-1585
7210Center for Active Seniors, Inc. (CASI)Davenport, IA(563) 386-7477
1128Center for Creative JusticeAmes, IA(515) 292-3820
1155Centers Against Abuse & Sexual Assault (CAASA)Spencer, IA(712) 262-4612
1133Central Iowa Residential Services, Inc. (CIRSI)Marshalltown, IA(641) 752-5762
7104Central Iowa Shelter & ServicesDes Moines, IA(515) 284-5719
7739CHC: Creating Healthier CommunitiesAlexandria, VA(800) 654-0845
1154Child Abuse CouncilMoline, IL(309) 736-7170
1053Child, Adolescent, and Parent SupportMarshalltown, IA(641) 752-1730
1256Children & Families of IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 288-1981
7672Children and Family Urban MinistriesDes Moines, IA(515) 282-3242
1398Children's Cancer ConnectionJohnston, IA(515) 243-6239
3004Children's Habilitation CenterJohnston, IA(515) 270-2205
1165ChildServ Foundation, Inc.Johnston, IA(515) 727-8750
7105ChildServe Community Options, Inc.Johnston, IA(515) 727-8750
3000ChildServe Homes, Inc.Johnston, IA(515) 727-8750
7640Chinese Association of IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 988-0901
7666Christian Legal SocietySpringfield, VA(703) 642-1070
7667Christian Military FellowshipVeradale, WA(800) 798-7875
3006Christian Opportunity CenterPella, IA(641) 628-1162
7650Chrysalis FoundationWest Des Moines, IA(515) 255-1853
7200Colfax Community ChestColfax, IA(641) 674-4322
7756Colorectal Cancer AllianceWashington, DC(202) 628-0123
1478Community Action Agency of SiouxlandSioux City, IA(712) 274-1610
1385Community Action of Southeast IowaBurlington, IA(319) 753-0193
1157CommUnity Crisis Services and Food BankIowa City, IA(319) 351-2726
7546Community Foundation - IVH Child CareMarshalltown, IA(515) 883-2626
7725Community Health Free ClinicCedar Rapids, IA(319) 221-1626
1510Community Y of MarshalltownMarshalltown, IA(641) 752-8658
7675Community! Youth ConceptsDes Moines, IA(515) 243-4292
7693Concerns of Police Survivors - Iowa ChapterGranger, IA(515) 559-6923
1308Connections Area Agency on Aging, Inc.Council Bluffs, IA(800) 432-9209
6017Crisis Intervention & Advocacy CenterAdel, IA(515) 993-4095
7005Crohn's & Colitis Foundation, Inc.New York, NY(515) 664-8961
7622CureSearch for Children's CancerBethesda, MD(800) 458-6223
1159Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Iowa ChapterWest Des Moines, IA(515) 252-1530
6027D.A.R.E. IowaDenver, IA(515) 281-4985
2011Des Moines Area Religious CouncilDes Moines, IA(515) 277-6969
1163Des Moines Child and Adolescent Guidance CenterDes Moines, IA(515) 244-2267
7665Des Moines Lincoln Dollars for ScholarsDes Moines, IA(515) 287-1306
7604Des Moines Metro OperaIndianola, IA(515) 961-6221
7700Des Moines Pastoral Counseling CenterUrbandale, IA(515) 274-4006
7628Des Moines Pride CenterDes Moines, IA(515) 277-7884
7506Des Moines Public Library FoundationDes Moines, IA(515) 412-0180
7209Des Moines SymphonyDes Moines, IA(515) 280-4000
7714Discovery LivingCedar Rapids, IA(319) 378-7470
1169Domestic Violence Intervention ProgramIowa City, IA(319) 354-7840
2012Drake University Head StartDes Moines, IA(515) 271-1854
1174Easter Seal Society of IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 289-1933
1500Ellipsis (Formerly, Youth Emergency Services and Shelter)Des Moines, IA(515) 282-9377
7107Employee and Family Resources, Inc.Des Moines, IA(515) 288-9020
7729Epilepsy Foundation IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 238-7660
7635Everybody Wins! IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 720-5786
1463EveryStepDes Moines, IA(515) 288-1516
1183Family and Children's Council of Black Hawk CountyWaterloo, IA(319) 234-7600
1185Family Planning Council of IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 288-9028
1186Family Resources Inc.Davenport, IA(563) 539-8216
7611Father Flanagan's Boys' HomeBoys Town, NE(800) 217-3700
5003Fellowship CupMount Pleasant, IA(319) 385-3242
7718Focus on the FamilyColorado Springs, CO(719) 531-3424
1151Fort Madison Food PantryFort Madison, IA(319) 372-8071
1195Foundation 2, Inc.Cedar Rapids, IA(319) 362-1170
7671Four Oaks Family and Children's ServicesCedar Rapids, IA(319) 364-0259
7631Freedom for Youth MinistriesDes Moines, IA(515) 282-4822
7705FreeStore, Inc.West Des Moines, IA(515) 282-3733
1197Friendly House DavenportDavenport, IA(563) 323-1821
7679Friends of Iowa CASA and ICFCRBDes Moines, IA(515) 232-0212
7625Friends of the FamilyWaterloo, IA(800) 410-7233
7694Friends of the Neal Smith National Wildlife RefugePrairie City, IA(515) 994-2918
7748Fur Fun RescueLisbon, IA(319) 929-6657
7734Furry Friends RefugeWest Des Moines, IA(515) 222-0009
1203Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa & Western IllinoisRock Island, IL(309) 788-0833
1204Girl Scouts of Greater IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 278-2881
7647Good Neighbor Emergency AssistanceAmes, IA(515) 296-1449
1211Goodwill Industries of Central IowaJohnston, IA(515) 265-5323
1212Goodwill Industries of Northeast Iowa, Inc.Waterloo, IA(319) 234-4626
7633Greater Des Moines Habitat for HumanityDes Moines, IA(515) 471-8686
7627Habitat for Humanity of Iowa, Inc.Altoona, IA(515) 266-6886
1220Handicapped Development CenterDavenport, IA(563) 391-4834
1221Harbor of Hope MissionDes Moines, IA(515) 244-0370
7760HAVlife FoundationDavenport, IA(563-676-1830)
4004Hawthorne HillDes Moines, IA(515) 283-1911
1080Heart of Iowa Big Brothers Big SistersMarshalltown, IA(641) 753-6370
1391Heartland Senior ServiceAmes, IA(515) 233-2906
1228Helping HandIndianola, IA(515) 961-3864
1229Helping Services for Northeast IowaDecorah, IA(563) 387-1720
1233Hillcrest Family ServicesDubuque, IA(563) 583-7357
7648Hispanic Educational ResourcesDes Moines, IA(515) 282-6542
1236Home Opportunities Made Easy, Inc. (HOME, Inc.)Des Moines, IA(515) 243-1277
7741Home School Legal Defense AssociationPurcellville, VA(540) 338-5600
1239Hope Haven Area Development Center CorporationWest Burlington, IA(319) 754-5774
3007Hope MinistriesPleasant Hill, IA(515) 265-7272
1189Horizons A Family Service AllianceCedar Rapids, IA(319) 398-3574
3012Hospice & Palliative Care Association of IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 243-1046
1246Hospice - Iowa RiverMarshalltown, IA(641) 753-7704
1241Hospice of Central IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 274-3400
5006Hospice of DubuqueDubuque, IA(563) 582-1220
1141House of CompassionMarshalltown, IA(641) 752-7537
7737House of HopeWaterloo, IA(319) 232-3823
7758Huntington's Disease Society of AmericaNew York, NY(212) 242-1968
7112Illinois/Iowa Center for Independent LivingRock Island, IL(563) 324-1460
2028IMPACT Community PartnershipDes Moines, IA(515) 274-1341
7012Indian Youth of AmericaSioux City, IA(712) 252-3230
7113Interfaith Housing Ltd.Davenport, IA(563) 324-1483
7601Iowa 4-H FoundationAmes, IA(515) 294-1537
7684Iowa Able FoundationAmes, IA(515) 292-2972
7669Iowa Association for the Education of Young ChildrenDes Moines, IA(515) 331-8000
7502Iowa Chinese Language SchoolJohnston, IA(515) 247-4549
7643Iowa Citizens for Community ImprovementDes Moines, IA(515) 282-0484
1258Iowa City Free Medical ClinicIowa City, IA(319) 337-4459
1245Iowa City HospiceIowa City, IA(319) 351-5665
7203Iowa Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceUrbandale, IA(515) 244-8028
4008Iowa Coalition Against Sexual AssaultDes Moines, IA(515) 244-7424
7753Iowa Conservation Education CoalitionAckley, IA(319) 238-1199
3013Iowa Health FoundationDes Moines, IA(515) 241-6304
7745Iowa Historical FoundationDes Moines, IA(515) 281-8741
1280Iowa Legal AidDes Moines, IA(515) 243-2151
7500Iowa Lions FoundationAmes, IA(319) 849-1487
7657Iowa National Guard Memorial AssociationJohnston, IA(515) 252-4531
7606Iowa Natural Heritage FoundationDes Moines, IA(800) 475-1846
7704Iowa Paralyzed Veterans of AmericaDes Moines, IA(515) 277-4782
1262Iowa Radio Reading Information ServiceDes Moines, IA(515) 243-6833
5009Iowa SharesIowa City, IA(319) 338-1446
7114Iowa SIDS FoundationAnkeny, IA(515) 965-7655
7673Iowa Sister StatesDes Moines, IA(515) 725-3163
1264Iowa Special OlympicsGrimes, IA(515) 267-0131
7302Iowa Women's FoundationCoralville, IA(319) 337-4222
1270Jewish Federation of Greater Des MoinesWaukee, IA(515) 987-0899
7702Johnston Partnership for a Healthy Community Inc.Johnston, IA(515) 868-1357
7639Keep Iowa BeautifulDes Moines, IA(515) 323-6507
7743Land Trust AllianceWashington, DC(202) 638-4725
7125Learning Disabilities Association of IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 280-8558
1277Legal Aid Society of Story CountyNevada, IA(515) 382-2471
1288Leukemia & Lymphoma SocietyNew York, NY(800) 223-1138
1359Link AssociatesDes Moines, IA(515) 262-8888
7206Living History FarmsUrbandale, IA(515) 278-5286
7023Lupus Foundation of AmericaWashington, DC(202) 349-1155
6015Lutheran Services in Iowa, IncDes Moines, IA(319) 859-3522
7695Madison County Health Care SystemMadison, IA(515) 462-2373
7009Mahaska County Hospital - Mahaska HospiceOskaloosa, IA(641) 672-3260
7656Mainstream Living, Inc.Ames, IA(515) 232-8405
7612Make-a-Wish Foundation of AmericaPhoenix, AZ(800) 722-9474
5010Make-A-Wish Foundation of IowaUrbandale, IA(515) 334-2636
1304Mary Elizabeth Day CareSioux City, IA(712) 258-1605
1238Mary Greeley Home Health ServicesAmes, IA(515) 239-6730
1305Mary J. Treglia Community HouseSioux City, IA(712) 258-5137
1306MATURA Head StartCreston, IA(641) 782-8431
7720Meals from the HeartlandWest Des Moines, IA(515) 473-9530
7727Mental Health AmericaAlexandria, VA(703) 838-7549
7403Mentor IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 277-9797
7115MercyOne Des Moines FoundationDes Moines, IA(515) 247-3248
2015MercyOne House of MercyDes Moines, IA(515) 243-2424
1248MercyOne North Iowa HospiceMason City, IA(641) 428-6208
1320MICAH House Emergency Family ShelterCouncil Bluffs, IA(712) 323-4416
1322Mid-Iowa Community Action, Inc.Marshalltown, IA(641) 752-7162
1323Mid-Iowa Workshops, Inc. (MIW)Marshalltown, IA(641) 752-3697
1324Mid-Sioux Opportunity, Inc.Remsen, IA(712) 786-2001
7211MOSAICUrbandale, IA(515) 246-1840
7613Mothers Against Drunk DrivingIrving, TX(800) 438-6233
1329Muscatine Legal ServicesMuscatine, IA(563) 263-8663
1330Muscular Dystrophy Association, Inc.Chicago, IL(800) 572-1717
2001NAMI Black Hawk County (National Alliance on Mental Illness)Waterloo, IA(319) 233-2106
1005NAMI Central Iowa (National Alliance on Mental Illness)Ames, IA(515) 292-9400
7686NAMI Greater Des Moines (National Alliance on Mental Illness)Des Moines, IA(515) 490-2758
1006NAMI Iowa (National Alliance on Mental Illness)Des Moines, IA(515) 254-0417
7757NAMI Greater Mississippi Valley (National Alliance on Mental Illness)Davenport, IA(563) 386-7477, ext 266
7752NAMI Northwest Iowa (National Alliance on Mental Illness)Spencer, IA(712) 357-5428
7623NARAL Pro-Choice America FoundationWashington, DC(877) 968-3324
7660National Brain Tumor SocietyNewton, MA(617) 393-2839
7659National Children's Cancer SocietyBelleville, IL(314) 241-1600
7638National Federation of the BlindBaltimore, MD(410) 659-9314
7749National Foundation for Cancer ResearchRockville, MD(800) 321-2873
1332National Kidney FoundationDes Moines, IA(515) 440-0402
1333National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyNew York, NY(612) 335-7900
7761National Psoriasis FoundationAlexandria,  VA(800) 723-9166
7661National Right to Life Educational Trust FundArlington, VA(202) 626-8812
7696National Wildlife FederationReston, VA(703) 438-6000
1335Native American Child Care CenterSioux City, IA(712) 276-4030
7697Nature ConservancyDes Moines, IA(515) 244-5044
7759Navigators, TheColorado Springs, CO(866) 568-7827
1336Neighborhood Centers of Johnson CountyIowa City, IA(319) 358-0438
7674New Horizons Adult Day CenterAnkeny, IA(515) 965-1602
1150New Opportunities, Inc.Carroll, IA(712) 792-9266
5012Nishna Productions Inc.Shenandoah, IA(712) 246-1242
1340North Iowa Community Action OrganizationMason City, IA(641) 423-8993
6019North Star Community Services, Inc.Waterloo, IA(319) 236-0901
4006Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging (NEI3A)Waterloo, IA(800) 779-8707
4003Northeast Iowa Food BankWaterloo, IA(319) 235-0507
7762Norwalk Music BoostersNorwalk, IA(515) 238-2726
7710Norwalk Student Education FoundationNorwalk, IA(515) 321-8751
1237Oakridge Neighborhood ServicesDes Moines, IA(515) 244-7730
7122On with Life FoundationAnkeny, IA(800) 728-0645
7677One Iowa Education FundDes Moines, IA(515) 288-4019
1219One VisionClear Lake, IA(641) 357-5277
7605Operation ThresholdWaterloo, IA(319) 291-2065
7632Opportunities UnlimitedSioux City, IA(712) 277-8295
6018Opportunity LivingLake City, IA(712) 464-8961
1346Orchard PlaceDes Moines, IA(515) 285-6781
7663Osteogenesis Imperfecta FoundationGaithersburg, MD(301) 947-0083
7751Pancreatic Cancer Action NetworkManhattan Beach, CA(310) 725-0025
1350Parent Share and Support, Inc.Oelwein, IA(319) 283-4917
7688Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and GaysWashington, D.C., IA(202) 467-8180
7013Partnership for a Healthy IowaDallas Center, IA(515) 729-7334
5007Pella Regional Health CenterPella, IA(641) 620-5050
7764Pet PartnersBellevue, WA(425) 679-5500
7615PetSmart Charities, IncPhoenix, AZ(800) 423-7387
7711Pheasants ForeverSt. Paul, MN(877) 773-2070
7766P. I. Foundation (Progress Industries)Newton, IA(641) 792-6119
1356Planned Parenthood of the HeartlandDes Moines, IA(515) 280-7000
2008Prelude Behavioral ServicesIowa City, IA(319) 351-4357
1263Prevent Blindness IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 244-4341
2016Prevent Child Abuse IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 244-2200
7676Primary Health Care, Inc.Des Moines, IA(515) 248-1500
7731Project IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 280-1274
7020Project RenewalDavenport, IA(563) 324-0800
2027Proteus Inc.Des Moines, IA(515) 271-5306
7768Rodale InstituteKutztown, PA(610) 683-1414
7763Royal Family KIDSDes Moines, IA(515) 664-1785
7624Ruth HarborDes Moines, IA(515) 279-4661
1405Salvation ArmyDes Moines, IA(515) 282-3599
7120Salvation ArmyOmaha, NE(402) 898-7700
7767Science Center of IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 274-6868
7706Scott County Family YDavenport, IA(563) 381-3053ext. 301
7119Senior Citizens Group Inc. of WaverlyWaverly, IA(319) 352-2463
1327Senior ResourcesMuscatine, IA(563) 263-7292
2009Short Years Partnership (Formerly, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Warren County)Indianola, IA(515) 962-1020
7698Sierra Club FoundationSan Francisco, CA(800) 216-2110
7305Siouxland Humane SocietySioux City, IA(712) 252-2614
7602Siouxland Mental Health CenterSioux City, IA(712) 252-3871
7641Southwest Iowa Families, Inc.Clarinda, IA(712) 542-3501
7618Spurgeon Manor Inc.Dallas Center, IA(515) 992-3735
7022St. Luke's Health Foundation (Children's Miracle Network)Sioux City, IA(712) 279-3295
7207St. Vincent de Paul SocietyDes Moines, IA(515) 282-8328
7409Tanager PlaceCedar Rapids, IA(319) 365-9164
1395Tenco Industries, Inc.Ottumwa, IA(641) 682-8114
1178The Bridge HomeAmes, IA(515) 232-0875
2029The Clarinda FoundationClarinda, IA(712) 542-4412
1396The Compassionate Friends - Central Iowa ChapterWest Des Moines, IA(877) 969-0010
7301The Compassionate Friends - Marshalltown ChapterMarshalltown, IA(641) 752-6983
7651The Gospel MissionSioux City, IA(712) 255-1769
7501The NRA FoundationFairfax, VA(888) 467-2363
7765The Pet Project MidwestDes Moines, IA(515)727-4738
1132The Richmond CenterAmes, IA(515) 232-5811
7692Trees Forever, Inc.Marion, IA(319) 373-0650
7740U.S. Committee for Refugees and ImmigrantsArlington, VA(515) 528-7525
7699Union of Concerned ScientistsCambridge, MA(800) 666-8276
1422United Action for YouthIowa City, IA(319) 338-7518
7116United Negro College FundMinneapolis, MN(612) 338-5742
1437United Way and Community Foundation of Greater Fort DodgeFort Dodge, IA(515) 573-3179
1429United Way of Boone CountyBoone, IA(515) 432-3507
1430United Way of Burlington - West Burlington AreaBurlington, IA(319) 752-7831
1431United Way of CarrollCarroll, IA(712) 792-4383
1432United Way of Cedar ValleyWaterloo, IA(319) 235-6211
1433United Way of Central IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 246-6500
1439United Way of Clinton CountyClinton, IA(563) 242-1209
1451United Way of DubuqueDubuque, IA(563) 588-1415
1435United Way of East Central IowaCedar Rapids, IA(319) 398-5372
1436United Way of EldoraEldora, IA(641) 858-3407
1445United Way of Jasper CountyNewton, IA(641) 792-1684
1441United Way of Johnson & Washington CountiesCoralville, IA(319) 338-7823
7629United Way of Marion CountyKnoxville, IA(641) 828-7563
1444United Way of MuscatineMuscatine, IA(563) 263-5963
1434United Way of North Central IowaMason City, IA(641) 423-1774
1448United Way of SiouxlandSioux City, IA(712) 255-3551
1449United Way of Story CountyAmes, IA(515) 268-5142
1442United Way of the Marshalltown AreaMarshalltown, IA(641) 752-4688
1443United Way of the MidlandsOmaha, NE(402) 342-8232
1447United Way of the Quad Cities AreaDavenport, IA(563) 355-4310
1450United Way of Wapello CountyOttumwa, IA(641) 682-1264
2035Upper Des Moines Opportunity, Inc.Graettinger, IA(712) 859-3885
7504Urban DreamsDes Moines, IA(515) 288-4742
7121Variety - The Children's Charity of IowaDes Moines, IA(515) 243-4660
7769Veterans in AgricultureJohnston, IA(855) 951-0108
1460Visiting Nurse Association of Pottawattamie CountyCouncil Bluffs, IA(712) 328-2636
7637Volunteer Center of Story CountyAmes, IA(515) 268-5323
7208Warren County Habitat for HumanityIndianola, IA(515) 961-0499
1505Waypoint Services for Women, Children and FamiliesCedar Rapids, IA(319) 365-1458
7029Wellington Heights Neighborhood AssociationCedar Rapids, IA(319) 369-4840
7644Wesley Community ServicesDes Moines, IA(515) 288-3334
2038West Central Community ActionHarlan, IA(712) 755-5135
1472Wilkie House Inc.Des Moines, IA(515) 243-7817
7724Wounded Warrior Project Inc.Jacksonville, FL(877) 832-6997
1485YMCA of Greater Des MoinesDes Moines, IA(515) 288-0131
1484YMCA of Greater OmahaOmaha, IA(402) 341-1600
7703YMCA of Mahaska CountyOskaloosa, IA(641) 673-8411
1488YMCA of NewtonNewton, IA(641) 792-4006
1495Young House Family ServicesBurlington, IA(319) 752-4000
1496Young Women's Resource CenterDes Moines, IA(515) 244-4901
1499Youth & Shelter Services, Inc.Ames, IA(515) 233-3141
1502Youth Law Center, Inc.Des Moines, IA(515) 244-1172
1503YWCA of Ames - ISUAmes, IA(515) 294-1663
7015YWCA of Black Hawk CountyWaterloo, IA(319) 234-7589
1514YWCA of ClintonClinton, IA(563) 242-2110