PDS reserves the right to cancel a class when the minimum number of enrollees is not met or if an emergency arises that prevents the training session from running.
In the event of a cancellation, PDS will contact agency Learning Admins and/or course enrollees, depending on how soon or how late we are aware of the cancellation.
More than 14 days before class: When you enroll in a PDS course, a "seat" is purchased. If you become unable to attend the class, you may request to drop the class within your Workday Learning app. If the course has an associated fee, your supervisor must approve this request. This policy also applies to non-state employee participants.
Less than 14 days before class: If it is less than 14 calendar days from the class date, you will need to contact your agency's Learning Admin to request a drop. Your agency will still be charged for the seat in class. Another employee from your agency may be sent in your place, however, to avoid the charge for an empty seat. Please inform PDS of this substitution as soon as possible. Note: there will be no charge for this cancellation if you become unable to attend due to approved leave other than vacation (i.e. illness, bereavement, etc.) PDS must be notified of this leave as soon as possible. This policy also applies to non-state employee participants.
Terminated employment: For cases in which an enrolled state employee is severed from state employment within (14) calendar days of the course date, agencies are encouraged to fill the purchased seat with another employee. If the purchased seat is unfilled the agency will still be charged.
State employees: log into Workday Learning to drop your enrollment or contact your agency's Learning Admin.
Non-state employees: contact PDS directly.