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Participating in CPM is an important, unique educational opportunity. CPM gives public managers the chance to prove their commitment to public leadership and development. It also provides the opportunity to build long term relationships with other public managers in the community.

New CPM cohorts begin every six months. Applications are due at least one month before the start of the program. Due to the growth and popularity of the program, it is important to submit applications on time to secure a seat in the next cohort.

When considering participation in the CPM program, please first review the following items:

Follow the next steps to apply if you meet the requirements for eligibility, agree to the responsibilities of the program, and have the approval of your organization.

List items for CPM Application Procedures

We will notify you once we've received your application. This notification will come from DAS-HRE, Performance & Development Solutions. Please make sure your application is complete and endorsed. We will return incomplete applications to the individual. You will not have a guaranteed spot in the program until the application has all the necessary information.
