Last Update: 07/09
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Employees must receive the information contained within this Policy as soon in the process as possible. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in long delays or rejection of claims during the reimbursement portion of the process.
Executive branch state employees who are reassigned at the direction of the appointing authority shall be reimbursed for relocation and related expenses in accordance with this policy, with a maximum amount of expense to the state of $50,000. To the extent that relocation reimbursement is addressed in a collective bargaining agreement, the provisions of the agreement shall govern. If approved by the appointing authority, an individual newly hired or promoted may be reimbursed for relocation and related expenses at the same rate used for the reimbursement of a current employee who has been reassigned. The appointing authority shall have the discretion to decide the extent to which reimbursement is provided to newly hired or promoted employees. Prior written approval must be given by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services (IDAS) to the appointing authority for relocation to or from outside the continental United States. Upon request of the appointing authority, exceptions to this policy may be made with prior written approval of the Department of Administrative Services – Human Resources Enterprise (DAS-HRE). Eligibility for reimbursement shall occur when all of the following conditions exist:
- The move is for the primary benefit of the State;
- A permanent change in duty station is required; and
- The individual must change his or her place of personal residence beyond 25 miles. (For moves less than 25 miles, no relocation expenses reimbursement will be allowed unless DAS-HRE has given prior written approval.)
An employee may elect to relocate temporarily and remain eligible to relocate permanently at any time thereafter for a period of up to twelve months from the day before the employee is to report to the new duty station. Temporary living expenses requested for reimbursement during such a “temporary relocation” shall be included as part of the total amount reimbursable under this policy (up to 90-calendar days). Claims for reimbursement of temporary living expenses shall be filed on the Temporary Living Expense Claim form (TP(RELO-SUB)). One member of the employee’s immediate household may be eligible for limited temporary living expenses (see “Subsistence expenses” for details).
Reimbursement of relocation expenses will not occur prior to the time the employee is officially on the payroll or the time the employee has an official change in duty station, and will be made on the basis of IDAS rules and policies in effect at that time. However, approval to incur expenses and to submit claims for reimbursement may occur before the employee is officially reassigned or placed on the payroll. Claims for reimbursement of relocation expenses shall be filed on the Relocation Expense Claim form (TP(RELO-EXP)). Unless otherwise provided in this policy, reimbursement amounts for meals, lodging and personal vehicle mileage will be the same as for a state employee on state business.
Disputes with regard to the application and interpretation of this policy, as well as exceptions to this policy, shall be submitted to and resolved by the Director of the Department of Administrative Services. The resolution shall be put in writing and copies sent to the appointing authority, the employee and the State Accounting Enterprise.