The Human Resources Enterprise Classification and Compensation section administers programs related to employee pay and job classification. Some of the other responsibilities of the Classification and Compensation section include: overtime policies, salary and benefit surveys, processing and pre-auditing payroll documents, job evaluation, and rules.
The job classification system is designed to provide an orderly and equitable process to group job duties and responsibilities. Job classes provide the basis upon which recruitment and screening, pay grades, and other human resource management decisions are made.
Classification and Compensation Resources | |
Job Classification Descriptions | Job classification descriptions provide fundamental information on the job classifications in the Executive Branch of state government. Each of these documents include the general definition of the class, examples of work duties, competencies required for successful performance, and minimum qualification (i.e., education and/or experience) requirements. |
Classification Series Guidelines | Classification series guidelines provide distinguishing information on the different levels of job classifications within a series. Each of these documents describe the kind of work performed (i.e., the series concept), differences among the levels represented by individual job classes, and identify kinds of work, positions, or classes commonly excluded from classification within the series. |
Job Families | Job families are the broadest structural layer of the classification system. Each family is comprised of a broad group of job classifications which are related to one another by a common field of work. |
Class and Pay Plans | Classification and pay plans suitable for printing are available at this link. |
Interactive Class and Pay Plan | The interactive class and pay plan is an easy, searchable way to find detailed classification information for any particular job class. Information includes pay plan, pay grade, FLSA status, and overtime eligibility. It also shows the active pay range (i.e., dollar amounts) and links to the job class description for any job class. Search job classes by partial or complete job class title or class code. |
Selective List | The list of additional qualification requirements (known as selectives) is available in PDF format, and is organized two different ways:
Each selective has a definition explaining its requirements. Both the categorical and numerical lists are searchable for specific words by using the Edit > Find function (ctrl + F) in Adobe Acrobat Reader or Chrome. |
Temporary Worker & Seasonal Worker Classification Guide | Temporary and seasonal positions on the State's payroll must be placed in the classification of Temporary Worker or Seasonal Worker, respectively. This classification guide is intended to aid agencies in the selection of the appropriate class code to ensure the best EEO category fit for each temporary or seasonal position. |
Trainee/Journey Reclassification | The trainee/journey reclassification concept applies to select job classes. This link provides an overview of this concept, as well as a listing of trainee-level job classes and the minimum time required to progress to the suitable journey-level class. |
Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ) | The PDQ form is used to document and describe the duties, responsibilities, essential functions, organizational relationships, and applicable selectives and special requirements of a position. As the primary source of job information, the PDQ is critical to the position classification review process. It also serves as a resource for developing vacancy announcements, screening tools, interview questions, and performance plans. |
Class & Comp Forms | Forms related to the classification and compensation system are available at this link. |