Pay with your ASIFlex card!
Health FSA participants have the option to pay for eligible healthcare expenses with the ASIFlex Debit Card.
At the point of sale or service, you can decide to use the ASIFlex card or receive reimbursement using another method.
The ASIFlex Card (a limited-use pre-paid debit card) provides an easy way to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses for you, your spouse, and any tax dependents. The card allows you to pay the merchant or health care provider directly from your Health FSA. At each point of sale or service, you can choose to use the ASIFlex Card or receive reimbursement by using another claim option.
Card usage
Which expenses can be paid for with my ASIFlex card?
- Co-pays - The card works great for flat-dollar prescription or office visit co-pays. Keep your prescription pharmacy receipts, and ask for an itemized receipt for office visit co-pays (be sure it says office visit co-pay). You will be asked to submit documentation for percentage co-pays and coinsurance amounts.
- Mail-Order Prescriptions – Simply provide the card number and expiration date to the pharmacy benefit manager once, and you’re set! Keep your itemized mail order statement.
- Over-the-Counter (OTC) Health Care Products – You can purchase many OTC products using the card at a retail merchant (such as Walgreens, Walmart, Target, FSA Store, etc.) that inventories eligible health care products. Keep the merchant itemized receipt.
- Recurring expense at the same provider for the same dollar amount each month that has been substantiated once with a traditional paper claim. For example, if you have a monthly chiropractor visit for $45.50 that does not match your co-pay, you will be prompted for documentation the first time. You need to substantiate the expense and include a note stating this will be a recurring expense. Future transactions at this same provider for the same amount will not require documentation.
TIP: Be sure to ask for and keep a fully itemized statement each time you use the card. Providers do not automatically provide this information, so it is your responsibility to ask for it. Be sure to obtain and keep copies of your insurance plan Explanation of Benefit (EOB) statements as you can submit these to substantiate a transaction.
How do I use the ASIFlex Card?
At the point of sale or service, simply present your card for payment. You can sign for a credit transaction or you can enter a PIN for a debit transaction. The merchant will process the transaction; the card company will then report basic information about the card transaction to ASIFlex. (see How do I know what merchants will accept the card?)
TIP: Each time you use the card, ask the health care provider (medical/dental/vision/hearing) for an itemized statement in case documentation is required to substantiate the expense.
Expense verification
What types of supporting documentation are acceptable?
Itemized statement from provider that should include:
Who – the patient name
What – a description of the service or supply
Where – the provider name/address
When – the date the service/supply was provided, regardless when paid
How Much – the dollar amount you owe (do not include amounts paid by insurance)
Explanation of Benefits (EOB) – If covered by insurance, you can submit a copy of your insurance plan EOB statement.
Prescription receipt - For prescription drugs, request a print-out from your pharmacy, or a copy of the itemized mail-order statement.
Over-the-counter health care products – Copy of the merchant itemized receipt that shows the store name, date, description of the product, and dollar amount.
Over-the-counter drugs/medicines – Copy of your attending physician prescription (written on the physician’s Rx pad), and the itemized merchant receipt that shows the store name, date, description of the product, and dollar amount.
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How am I notified if documentation is required?
In order to have a card, you must sign up to receive electronic communication. If documentation is needed, ASIFlex will send notice to you via email and/or text alert. You can read your secure messages by signing into your account at asiflex.com. The message will explain what is needed in order to substantiate the transaction.
If you do not respond to the first request, ASIFlex will send a second notice to remind you that documentation is needed and that your card may be temporarily deactivated as required by IRS regulations. If you do not respond, ASIFlex will send a third and final notice to let you know that your card is temporarily deactivated and that documentation is still required. All you need to do is provide the requested information, and the card can be activated. If you are unable to substantiate the transaction you can write a check back to the plan or submit a substitute claim.
TIP: The IRS regulates health care plans and use of the card, so be sure to ask for and retain appropriate documentation each time you use the card in case you need to substantiate a transaction.
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How do I provide documentation to substantiate the transaction?
First, only submit documentation if requested to do so. When you receive a request for documentation, be sure to include a copy of the request letter/message and submit online by signing into your account, via the ASIFlex Mobile App, fax, or mail.
TIP: Be sure to register to view your online account, and get the Mobile App free through Google Play Store or the App Store. You can get the app for your mobile phone or tablet!
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What should I do if I’m unable to obtain the supporting documentation?
You have several options to satisfy outstanding documentation requests:
Repay the amount to the plan by writing a check or requesting ASIFlex to debit your bank account for the amount.
Submit a manual claim for another expense that has not yet be reimbursed.
Ask the provider to process a refund to return the funds to your account.
TIP: It is important that you take necessary steps to substantiate transactions as requested. IRS regulations require unsubstantiated transaction amounts be reported as taxable income on your Form W-2.
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What is not accepted to substantiate my transactions?
IRS regulations require itemized documentation that shows who, what, where, when, and how much. You can also provide a copy of your insurance plan EOB. Here are examples of items that are not acceptable because they are not fully itemized:
Card terminal receipt
Cancelled check
Balance-forward statement that is not itemized
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How do I get a card?
You may request a ASIFlex card two ways:
- Either log into your ASIFlex account at www.asiflex.com. On your account detail main menu, under “Participant Services”, click on the option and follow the prompts.
- Or print and complete the card order form and fax to ASI.
Two cards are mailed to your home address and arrive in a plain white envelope. Read the cardholder agreement, call to register your card, and select a PIN if you wish.
TIP: Be sure to read and retain the cardholder agreement. If for any reason you decide that you do not want the card, please send a written request to asi@asiflex.com to request that the card be cancelled.
How long does it take to receive a card?
In general, once the card order is submitted, you should expect to receive it within 14 business days.
TIP: During peak periods it may take longer to receive the card.
Common card questions
Do I have to use the card for all of my expenses?
No. You can choose at the point of sale if you want to use the card or use another option (see ways to receive reimbursement).
Is there a fee for the initial card set?
No. There is a fee for additional or replacement card sets.
What should I do if my card is lost or stolen?
Immediately report the lost or stolen card to ASIFlex. ASIFlex can issue a new card set, if requested, for $5 per set.
Can I order additional cards?
Yes. You can order additional cards in sets of two by completing and submitting the “FSA Debit Card Application.” The cost for additional or replacement card sets is $5 per set. This amount will be billed to your health care account.
Are cards issued in my name and my family member names?
Cards are issued in your name as the plan participant. The family member can still use the card by entering a PIN for a debit transaction or by signing the participant name for a credit transaction.
How do I know what merchants will accept the card?
In general, health care providers that accept VISA® will accept the card. Retail merchants that maintain an inventory system to identify qualified health care products will also accept the card. For a list of retail merchants, go to asiflex.com/debitcards and click on the “List of IIAS Approved Merchants.” It is not accepted at restaurants, gas stations, department stores, etc.
What are some reasons that the card may not work?
Deactivated – If you fail to provide documentation as requested per IRS guidelines, the card will be deactivated until you comply. Sign in to your account at asiflex.com and your account will highlight any transaction for which backup documentation is needed.
Insufficient Funds – If you try to use the card for an amount that is more than your remaining balance, it may be rejected.
Funds Not Loaded – Your health care election amount may not yet be loaded with new plan year funds due to delays by the employer or administrator.
Non-Health Care Products – You may be attempting to purchase an item that is not a qualifying health care item, such as candy bars, magazines, etc.
Merchant Problem – The merchant may encounter problems with their terminal or may be using a non-health care merchant identification code.
Invalid Merchant – The card is accepted at health care providers and certain retail merchants that accept VISA®. It cannot be used at gas stations, clothing stores, restaurants, etc.
TIP: In the event your card does not work, just pay for the item and submit a claim online, via the mobile app, fax, or mail. If your card is deactivated pending receipt of documentation for a previous transaction, the amount of your claim will be reduced by the outstanding transaction amount.