The program summary and 403b At-a-Glance are the best sources for basic program features, benefits, and investment options. For more detailed plan information talk to the investment providers, or ask your employer to request a presentation for employees as a live webcast or onsite at your location.
Education-Related Employees

Attendees view PowerPoint slides, supporting documents, and Web sites while listening to the presenter on the phone. Questions may be asked during the session. You may attend live sessions from any computer, whether from your worksite or home, if you have registered to attend.
Onsite Presentations
Employers may request onsite sessions in which a Retirement Benefits Educator travels to your location to present program information and answer questions. There is a cost associated with onsite sessions.
Employers wishing to schedule a session in your area, please contact John Williams (515-725-2135 or toll-free at 866-460-4692)