
RIC State of Iowa

Enrollment is always open!

To enroll, complete these steps:

STEP 1: Payroll deductions for the 457 plan must be set up in Workday.
STEP 2: Open your 457 and 401a match accounts with a provider below. This is where you will declare your beneficiaries and select investment options. Advisors are available to explain the investments and help you complete the enrollment process.

RIC 457/401a Provider Enrollment Options
CorebridgeEmpowerHorace MannVoya
Enroll Online Enroll OnlineEnroll OnlineEnroll Online
515-240-1233833-999-IOWA (4692)877-602-1870515-698-7973
Meet w/ agentMeet w/ agent Meet w/ agentCall for agent
Print forms Print forms Print formsCall for forms

For a summary of the provider phone numbers and a list of investment options, view the RIC At-A-Glance

Frequently asked questions

List items for RIC Enrollment FAQ