Enrollment is always open!
To enroll, complete these steps:
STEP 1: Payroll deductions for the 457 plan must be set up in Workday.
STEP 2: Open your 457 and 401a match accounts with a provider below. This is where you will declare your beneficiaries and select investment options. Advisors are available to explain the investments and help you complete the enrollment process.
Corebridge | Empower | Horace Mann | Voya |
Enroll Online | Enroll Online | Enroll Online | Enroll Online |
515-240-1233 | 833-999-IOWA (4692) | 877-602-1870 | 515-698-7973 |
Meet w/ agent | Meet w/ agent | Meet w/ agent | Call for agent |
Print forms | Print forms | Print forms | Call for forms |
For a summary of the provider phone numbers and a list of investment options, view the RIC At-A-Glance.
Frequently asked questions
List items for RIC Enrollment FAQ
Investment providers
Each RIC provider offers a variety of investments, including guaranteed interest accounts, no-load/low-cost mutual funds, target date funds, and brokerage accounts. Investment advisors are able to explain the investments and answer questions at no extra cost. Investments have no sales charges, annual contract fees, fund transfer fees, or restrictions/penalties for eligible distributions and transfers between RIC providers. You may make changes to your investment options online, by phone, or with help from your advisor at any time. All funds must meet RIC's Investment Policy Standards and undergo annual review by an outside investment consultant.
The Iowa Retirement Investors' Club (RIC) plan conducts a public competitive bid (at least every 6 years) on behalf of participants to determine which providers will offer investment products and services. If you are not sure what to ask a provider in order to make an informed decision to invest, the Provider Interview may help.
No matter which provider you choose, all RIC providers meet minimum plan requirements such as:
25+ well-diversified, competitive fund line-up
Restriction-free and penalty-free investments
Flexible distribution options
24/7 internet and phone account access
Investment planning tools
Low costs (no cost for fixed rate accounts)
RIC provider information including website links, quarterly fund performance, advisor listings, fixed rates, etc. are easily accessed from the Providers and Investments webpage. There are no restrictions or fees for moving assets between active providers.
There are no surrender charges or annual contract fees on any of the products.
Advisor services
A provider representative can be involved in your enrollment and investment selection process to the degree that you like. If you want help completing the applications and selecting your investments, the provider you choose has qualified representatives who will do just that. There is no additional cost associated with this service. Advisor information for each provider is available from the Providers and Investments webpage.
Getting started
The RIC investment provider you choose has their own applications (online or paper) that must be completed in order to establish your 457 and 401a accounts and select investment options. Provider representatives are available to help you consider the investments and complete the forms if you wish.
The RIC provider you choose will request that you complete:
457 application (to receive your payroll deductions)
401(a) application (to receive your employer match contributions)
Payroll deduction elections in Workday (log into Workday, see instructions).
Rollover form (request this from your provider if you wish to roll-in other retirement account assets)
After you have completed applications, your provider will tell you where and how the forms will be processed.
Savings amount
Contributions to RIC are made through payroll deduction. You may contribute up to the IRS maximum annual contribution limits. RIC investment providers have tools to help you determine how much you should save in order to generate the level of income you desire at retirement.
Investment options
The RIC investment providers offer a variety of investment options to meet both conservative, moderate, and aggressive investors' needs. For a list of funds, review the RIC At-A-Glance. Funds have no sales charges or transfer fees/restrictions (short-term trading restrictions may apply).
All investment options must meet investment policy standards and undergo annual reviews. Variable rate investments are professionally managed by a variety of top-performing investment managers. Total variable rate fund fees range from .04% - 1.27%. RIC fixed rate accounts have no fees.
Planning tools and/or provider representatives can help you determine what type of investor you are and which investments are appropriate for your investment style. If you want help with your investment selection, see Advisor Services.
*Please note: investment returns are not guaranteed by the State of Iowa or the US Government and are not FDIC insured. Fixed rates are insured by the issuing investment provider.
Payroll deductions
Payroll deductions will begin the next available check after deductions are elected in Workday.
You have the option to have your deductions taken from all paychecks each month (26/year), 2 paychecks/month (24/year), or choose to have deductions come from only the 1st or 2nd paycheck/month (12/year). You may also request a single deduction.
Investment Earnings
Your potential for earnings largely depends on what type of investor you are and what mix of investments you choose. You have the choice of a variety of fixed and variable rate investments with opportunity for a wide range of potential earnings .
Fixed rate accounts guarantee a fixed rate of interest for a fixed period of time. Mutual fund offerings have variable rates of return based on the performance of the underlying securities. The RIC providers have tools to help you determine your investment style based on your savings goals, tolerance for risk, and timeframe for investment. Historical performance of investments may be accessed from the providers and investments webpage.
You may choose to stop or change the amount of your deductions, your investment mix/provider, beneficiary designation, etc. at any time (see Change Options).