
Planwithease (pwe) is the third party administrator (TPA) for your 403b plan. PWE manages the process by which participants can request a transaction. Follow these easy how-to steps for keeping planwithease information up-to-date so your employees have the ability to transact quickly.

Helpful tools


Distributions and Exchanges   

Participants and advisors needing help with a transaction (distribution/exchange) may review:


Add employee / change employee status (add term dates)

To add a participant, or change status information (enter termination date), login to planwithease.com and follow these steps:

Add Employee

  1. Select "Data Validation Center" under the "Tools" tab.
  2. Select "Manually enter/edit employee information" (select Next).
  3. Select "Add New"
  4. Click on blue bar under SSN. Enter SSN in highlighted field.
  5. Complete the rest of the fields (see help with fields ). You may use the scroll bar at the bottom to move among the fields.
  6. Select Next.
  7. Select "Submit for Final Processing" and then "Complete Import".

Change Employee Status

  1. Select "Data Validation Center" under the "Tools" tab.
  2. Select "Manually enter/edit employee information" (select Next).
  3. To revise an existing participant's data, click "Add Existing"
  4. Type in name or SSN, then select "Search". When the record appears, select "Add". When the record appears again, select "Continue".
  5. Modify the information (for term date, change Plan Status Code to inactive, Employment Status to Terminated/ Retired, and Employment Status Date to termination date).
  6. Select Next.
  7. Select "Submit for Final Processing" and then "Complete Import".