Planwithease (pwe) is the third party administrator (TPA) for your 403b plan. PWE manages the process by which participants can request a transaction. Follow these easy how-to steps for keeping planwithease information up-to-date so your employees have the ability to transact quickly.
Helpful tools
- Sponsor User Guide
- Administrator login help - contact pwe at 866-499-3273 or send email to customerservice@planwithease.com
- View Participant login help .
- Employer demographic file upload VIDEO
- Employer manual changes to employee data VIDEO (Instructions and screenshots PDF)
- Add employee / change employee status
Distributions and Exchanges
Participants and advisors needing help with a transaction (distribution/exchange) may review:
Add employee / change employee status (add term dates)
To add a participant, or change status information (enter termination date), login to planwithease.com and follow these steps:
Add Employee
- Select "Data Validation Center" under the "Tools" tab.
- Select "Manually enter/edit employee information" (select Next).
- Select "Add New"
- Click on blue bar under SSN. Enter SSN in highlighted field.
- Complete the rest of the fields (see help with fields ). You may use the scroll bar at the bottom to move among the fields.
- Select Next.
- Select "Submit for Final Processing" and then "Complete Import".
Change Employee Status
- Select "Data Validation Center" under the "Tools" tab.
- Select "Manually enter/edit employee information" (select Next).
- To revise an existing participant's data, click "Add Existing"
- Type in name or SSN, then select "Search". When the record appears, select "Add". When the record appears again, select "Continue".
- Modify the information (for term date, change Plan Status Code to inactive, Employment Status to Terminated/ Retired, and Employment Status Date to termination date).
- Select Next.
- Select "Submit for Final Processing" and then "Complete Import".